Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fleece and Firkin

As promised a few words about last night's gig at the Fleece. It was a singer songwriter night so was mainly acoustic songwriter's with their own backing bands.

The warm up act was a solo female singer called Lenny Savage. She had a great voice but although I thought she was very good, I can't remember a thing about the actual songs - maybe I'd need to hear them a few more times for them to make more of an impression.

Lenny Savage

There was another act then Ryan Inglis who was the main guy I'd gone to see. He writes funky, memorable songs and has a great voice and lots of energy. He has an album coming out soon so we've done a swap!

Ryan Inglis

The headline act was a woman called Sally Ann Langton and although she was good, for some reason I'd had enough after a couple of tracks and came home!

I went down there on my own but a couple of people I'd texted joined me, which was nice - it's good making new friends.

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