Monday, September 17, 2007

Hi all - ok so I'm back at and praying it stays stable.

I'm going to post in both places and keep the list of links on both sites so hopefully won't go through that awful feeling of losing touch with you guys again!

If you're back on efx2 and I haven't visited you yet please let me know your efx address so I can add you to my list over there too or let me know your blogspot/blogger address if you're not on my list here yet. Thanks.

I'm just back from a lovely festival called End of The Road and will blog about it and put some pics up soon.

Bye for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos and nice post. I don't think I will go back for now at least as I have so many irons in the fire here.

I just began a new site about Japan in the early 1950s when we were there. You can get to it from my Brookville daily photo blog. Times have changed a lot there too over the 50-plus years since we were there.